Equipment and Software for Mass concrete temperature measuring


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Win the world® Concrete temperature measurement products Computer software download£º


Please exit antivirus software before downloading and installing£¬Some anti-virus software will report and kill by mistake.¡£Click here to viewNon-toxic certificate


On site timed temperature recorderTRseries:



 ¡¶On site timed temperature recorder TR-TF-USB¡¾2017ARMedition¡¿/(Channel number08/16/ 24/32)¡·Software (1.82Mb,2018/7/12 19:01:48) (chart) Win the world®-Timing thermographTFedition
¡Ì  32Bit dual coreprocessor£¨Channel number08¡¢16¡¢ 24¡¢ 32)Model full series on-site timed temperature recorder£» ¡¡
¡Ì SupportHigh-capacityTFcardAs data transfer£»
¡Ì Drive free¡¾ordinaryUSBPrint line¡¿High speed data line for data communication£»
¡Ì Support and supportCalibrator per degreeAutomatic calibration for each set£»
¡Ì [FS-USB]Support2017year1month1Future hardware versions¡£

¡ôWeb processing data is also available mode£¬Users can use it directly without installing any software£ºwww.0531hyt.net



 ¡¶On site timed temperature recorder TR-SD-USB¡¾2014£Æ£Óedition¡¿/(Channel number08/16/ 24/32)¡·Software (8.75Mb,2014/4/10 14:19:15) (chart) Win the world®-Timing thermographTR-SDedition
¡Ì  SupportTR-SD-USB(FSHigh speed data line)£¨Channel number08¡¢16¡¢ 24¡¢ 32)Model full series on-site timed temperature recorder£» ¡¡
¡Ì SupportSDCard as data transfer£»
¡Ì Drive free¡¾FS£­USB¡¿High speed data line for data communication£»
¡Ì [FS-USB]Support2014year5Hardware version after month¡£


 ¡¶On site timed temperature recorder TR-SD-USB¡¾£Æ£Óedition¡¿/(Channel number08/16/ 24/32)¡·Software (8.75Mb,2014/4/10 14:19:15)
¡Ì  SupportTR-SD-USB(FSHigh speed data line)£¨Channel number08¡¢16¡¢ 24¡¢ 32)Model full series on-site timed temperature recorder£» ¡¡
¡Ì SupportSDCard as data transfer£»
¡Ì Drive free¡¾FS£­USB¡¿High speed data line for data communication£»
¡Ì [FS-USB]Support2013year£¶Month to2014year4Hardware version of month¡£


 ¡¶On site timed temperature recorder TR-SD-USB/(Channel number08/16/ 24/32)¡·Software (22.29Mb,2011/6/20 13:47:52)
¡Ì  SupportTR-SD-USB£¨Channel number08¡¢16¡¢ 24¡¢ 32)Model full series on-site timed temperature recorder£» ¡¡
¡Ì SupportSDCard as data transfer£»
¡Ì Drive free£Õ£Ó£ÂData line for data communication£»
¡Ì 2011year£¶Month to2013year£µHardware version of month¡£


 ¡¶On site timed temperature recorder TR8/TR15/TC/GSM/TR32¡·Software (70.78Mb,2014/3/7 15:18:30)
¡Ì SupportTR8-USB¡¢TR8-A¡¢TR15-M-USB¡¢TR15-A,TR15-GSM,TR32Model full series on-site timed temperature recorder£»¡¡
¡Ì SupportTCModel full series data transfer£»
¡Ì SupportGSMSMS module£¬And SMS forwarding¡£
¡Ì £¨£²£°£±£±year£¶Old version before£©

wholeWireless temperature measurement series£º

¡ï ¡¶All wireless system of large concrete temperature measurement¡·in useCloud service modeNamelyGPRS(orCDMA)Communication mode£¬Users do not need to install any software
¡Ì Wireless communicationGPRS(orCDMA)Users of mode communication£¬The client does not need to install any software£¬Visit the following website directly£º¡¡
¡¡ HTTP://www.0531HYT.net,HTTP://GPRS.0531HYT.COM
¡¡ ©¸©¤Web site£¬Also providedAndroid¡¢AppleMobile client andGeneral mobile webpageAnd passFollow wechat service number:wx_0531hyt_comMethods to access£»
¢Ú  ¡¶All wireless system of large concrete temperature measurementPCend2017¡«¡·Software (12.78Mb,2017/3/25 10:35:03)
¡Ì Supporting breakpoints/Power failure continuation/Supplementary transmission£»¡¡
¡Ì Support useWireless spread spectrumtechnology£»¡¡
¡Ì SupportordinaryUSB2.0£¨FS£©Line £¨PrintingLine£©£»No driver installation required£»¡¡
¡Ì Support wireless repeater and wireless collector series products£¬Includes no drive.USBInterface auto configuration¡¢devices setting up¡¢Remote measurement¡¢ control¡¢Data access¡¢Graphical¡¢Reports, etc.£»¡¡
¡Ì Any custom logic output control is also supported£»
¡Ì Support wireless repeater and wireless collector-55¡«153¡æ,@0.1£© £»
¡Ì SupportUSBRedepositor redeposit data£»
¢Ù  ¡¶All wireless system of large concrete temperature measurementPCend¡·Software (12.80Mb,2016/12/22 12:49:32)
¡Ì Dedicated supportUSB2.0£¨FS£©Data line£»No driver installation required£»¡¡
¡Ì Support wireless repeater and wireless collector series products£¬Includes no drive.USBInterface auto configuration¡¢devices setting up¡¢Remote measurement¡¢ control¡¢Data access¡¢Graphical¡¢Reports, etc.£»¡¡
¡Ì Any custom logic output control is also supported£»
¡Ì Support wireless repeater and wireless collector-55¡«153¡æ,@0.1£© £»
¡Ì SupportUSBRedepositor redeposit data£»

First line communication series£º

¡ï ¡¶Mass concrete temperature measurement¡· in useGPRS(orCDMA)Communication mode£¬Users do not need to install any software£¨Cloud service mode£©
¡Ì First line communicationGPRSUsers of mode communication£¬The client does not need to install any software£¬Visit the following website directly£º¡¡
©¸©¤Web site£¬Also providedAndroid¡¢AppleMobile client andGeneral mobile webpageAnd passFollow wechat service number:wx_0531hyt_comMethods to access£»
¢Ý  ¡¶Mass concrete temperature measurement systemFSedition¡·Software(12.80Mb,2016/12/22 12:49:32)
¡Ì Dedicated supportUSB2.0£¨FS£©Data line£»No driver installation required£»¡¡
¡Ì Support frontline communicationPCSandEPSeries products(2011Up to now)£¬Contain No driveUSBInterface auto configuration¡¢devices setting up¡¢Remote measurement¡¢ control¡¢Data access¡¢Graphical¡¢Reports, etc.£»¡¡
¡Ì Any custom logic output control is also supported£»
¡Ì SupportPCSandEPSeries data collector£¨-55¡«153¡æ,@0.1£©
¡Ì SupportPCSandEPSeries data adapter(Support clock¡¢Battery¡¢Data backup)
¢Ü  ¡¶Mass concrete temperature measurement systemHIDedition¡·Software(12.80Mb,2016/12/22 12:49:32)
¡Ì Support frontline communicationPCSandEPseries(2010to2011edition)product£¬Contain No driveUSBInterface auto configuration¡¢devices setting up¡¢Remote measurement¡¢ control¡¢Data access¡¢Graphical¡¢Reports, etc.£»¡¡
¡Ì Any custom logic output control is also supported£»
¡Ì SupportPCSandEPSeries data collector£¨-55¡«153¡æ,@0.1£©
¡Ì SupportPCSandEPSeries data adapter(Support clock¡¢Battery¡¢Data backup)


¡¶Mass concrete temperature measurement system £Á£Ä£Óedition¡·Software(12.80Mb,2016/12/22 12:49:32) ¡¡
¡Ì Support First line communicationADSsystem(2006to2011edition)Full range of products£¬ContainUSBInterface auto configuration¡¢devices setting up¡¢Remote measurement¡¢ control¡¢Data access¡¢Graphical¡¢Reports, etc.£»
¡Ì Any custom logic output control is also supported£»
¡Ì Special support£Á£Ä£ÓData collector£¨-50¡«150¡æ,@0.0125£©£»


 ¡¶Mass concrete temperature measurement system USBedition¡·Software(12.80Mb,2016/12/22 12:49:32)
¡Ì Support First line communicationEL+ADSsystem(2005to2010edition)Full range of products£¬The truth of independent developmentUSBInterface¡¢devices setting up¡¢Remote measurement¡¢ control¡¢Data access¡¢Graphical¡¢Reports, etc.£»¡¡
¡Ì Any custom logic output control is also supported£»
¡Ì Support common£¨-20¡«130¡æ,@0.1£©and£Á£Ä£Ótype£¨-50¡«150¡æ,@0.0125£©data collector£»
¢Ù ¡¶Mass concrete temperature measurement system ELedition¡·Software(12.80Mb,2016/12/22 12:49:32)
¡Ì Support frontline communicationELsystem(1995to2002edition)Full range of products£¬ContainUSBInterface auto configuration¡¢devices setting up¡¢Remote measurement¡¢ control¡¢Data access¡¢Graphical¡¢Reports, etc.£» ¡¡
¡Ì Any custom logic output control is also supported£»
¡Ì Support common data collector£¨-20¡«130¡æ,@0.1£©

Portable concrete electronic temperature recorder series£º

¢Ù ¡¶Portable concrete electronic temperature recorder¡·Softwarehr-usb2.1 (12.80Mb,2016/12/22 12:49:32)
¡Ì Supporting the whole series of portable concrete electronic thermometer products£¬ContainUSBInterface auto configuration¡¢devices setting up¡¢data management¡¢Data grouping¡¢Form graphics¡¢Reports, etc.£»
¡Ì Support temperature range£¨-20¡«130¡æ£©,Resolving power0.1¡æ£»
¢Ú ¡¶Portable concrete electronic temperature recorder¡·Softwarehr-usb20 (12.80Mb,2016/12/22 12:49:32)
¡Ì Stop production¡£
¡Ì Support temperature range£¨£°¡«100¡æ£©,Resolving power1¡æ£»

usbDriver program:(Our company2011year£¶After monthusbThe equipment is drive free ÁË£¬No driver installation required¡£)

¢Ù USBCable driver(Be used forPL2303chip)(12.80Mb,2016/12/22 12:49:32)
¡¡     ¡ÌSupport the whole series of thermometers of our company2009year12month1Days agoUSBLine drive£¬Running environment£ºWin95,Win98&me,win2000,Winxp,Vista,Highly recommendedWinXp,orVista£»Decompress after downloading£¬Then run the¡°810 Installer.rar¡±file¡£ ¡¡
¢Ú USBCable driver(Be used for£Æ£Ôchip)(12.80Mb,2016/12/22 12:49:32)
¡¡     ¡ÌSupport the company's thermometers in a full range of products2009year12month¡«2011year5MonthlyUSBLine drive£¬stayUSBOn the small square box in the middle of the line¡°FT¡±Word£¬Running environment£ºWin95,Win98&me,win2000,Winxp,Vista,Highly recommendedWinXp,orVista£» Please refer to the following links before installation£º[FTInstallation reference]
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